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Zmud scripts



Poted by Asilient on 03 Jun 2006 21:30 - Envenoming
I've managed to code an envenoming script for dsl that seems to be pretty versatile.

Basically- EN<venomid1><venomid2> is the main command.

So ENCA will..

envenom one weapon with curare, one with aconite then dsl the target (If the target has rebounding you'll raze instead.)

It comes with a listing of venom aliases, etc.


BASIC SYNTAX- en<venomid1><venomid2>

k- kalmia **** p- prefarar
a- aconite **** c- curare
x- xentio **** s- slike
g- gecko **** d- delphinium
t- epteth **** e- epseth
v- vernalius **** r- darkshade

Just put in the ENVENOM alias and it will bring up the full help list that I've thrown together.

I've not tested it extensively yet, so if anyone wants to test it and tell me what they think I can debug/update it.
Poted by on 04 Jun 2006 14:05 -
gah, I would love to test that system.
I've been trying to work on a system that'll allow me to do pretty much what you did... except mine was clicking buttons, and each of those buttons corresponded to an F key, meaning I had to use SHIFT + F<X> a lot, which, as you probably know, kinda sucks. And I had to manually check for raze.

Poted by Asilient on 05 Jun 2006 00:59 -
So.. I looked at the coding a bit and decided it could do with improving some. So I'm going to be redoing the code. I'll probably put up the updated class here should anyone want to use it.

This system I've got in is a lot more versatile than macros, but it requires you to remember what is for what.
Poted by Vylandra on 07 Jun 2006 21:56 -
You semi-stole my system!
You mixed up the aliases though.. haha
Poted by on 08 Jun 2006 06:21 -
both of you, post your systems?
Poted by Vylandra on 08 Jun 2006 15:14 -
It's not fool proof yet!!
Poted by Asilient on 09 Jun 2006 03:08 -
It's not fool proof yet!!

True, I took the idea from your system. But it was actually Indiana's system that he gave me when I used to use MUSH that gave me the idea.

Mine works near perfect after lots of debugging.

First I had the problem when the prefix was E I couldn't go east without envenoming every venom onto my swords. When I changed the prefix to D I had problems using DIAG, DEF and DIG so I had to change it to EN.

Still tweaking it for it to be user friendly.
Poted by Vylandra on 11 Jun 2006 23:05 -
Poted by on 08 Aug 2006 23:25 -
Re the e and d and issues, I've found that pinning prime attacks to numbers (eg 1 for csl, 2 for dsl, 3 for archery, 4 for force, etc) and then linking on the venom and/or additional commands from there (eg 2sk for dsl with slike kalmia or 4ub for force unblock ) helps keeps everything neatly organized and very easy to remember in fights.

edit - on re-read I get what you're saying. If you have an alias, say en for envenom, and you type en e s to evenom euphorbia and slike it will make you walk e and s instead?

easy way to fix that. change your alias to not just have %1 and %2 but have @%1 and @%2. the @ tells zmud to look for a variable, so you won't be executing any movement or other aliases.

eg #al {en} {envenom @swordl with @%1;envenom @swordr with @%2}.

then just make variables for all the poison types, eg #var {g} {gecko}, #var {s} {slike}

then just type en s g and it works fine, no running off in odd directions.

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