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Lord Arion
By Wilhelm

Lord Arion embodies the pillars of Valor which I try to live my life by.

Strength of character, Discipline, Courage, and Honor are what Lord Arion teaches us. These pillars are a gift he gives us to show us how to live our lives and how to honor him. Power of conviction is what makes a warrior not strength, and the pillars of valor show us how to achieve the power of our convictions. Each of the pillars represents a strong guide to the paths of our lives.

The first pillar is Strength of Character. This pillar is about the firmness of our convictions. It allows us to go into battle with the knowledge that we are firm in our beliefs and strong in character.

The second pillar is Courage. Courage is doing what is right despite your fear. To do what is necessary despite those that might stop you including yourself. It is not cowardice to have fear, indeed to de what is right in the face of your fears show true Courage.

The third pillar is Discipline. Discipline is the self control to focus
on what can be done and should be done. It is knowing and accepting the consequences of ones actions. It is knowing ones limitations and knowing when one is reaching too far. But your discipline most also be disciplined. You must not be too rigid on too inflexible.

The fourth pillar is Honor. Honor is the most fundamental pillar. Keys
to Honor include modesty, sincerity, respect, and loyalty. Each of these are in themselves very respectable traits. Honor is an individual virtue. When an entire guild, family, or city is in the wrong, an individual is justified in standing against them. But one must be careful because one is not always right when facing all others. Honor is the pillar that one must always strive towards, and hope that Lord Arion judges him or her well.

The sum of all the pillars is Valor. Valor is a varied path. At times it is easy to follow, and at other times it becomes a narrow and difficult path. One must always persevere in the path of valor. Valor is  ighting for what is right fighting to protect the innocent, and the weak. Valor is having faith in Lord Arion, and standing up for him and his servants always.

I have forged myself to best follow these pillars as one can. Lord Arion is the perfect embodiment of these pillars, and that is why I proudly declare my fealty and faith in the great Lord.

Penned by my hand on 17th of Midsummer, 182 MA.